Curriculum vitae

name Matthias Stefan Ischi
born 12.03.1984
marital status Married since 2012

Professional career

2012 Graduation with a bachelor of science in general psychology and business administration. Work in human resources sectors, in Switzerland and abroad.
2015 Graduation with a master of science in work and organisational psychology and psychological diagnostics. Research in the fields of job crafting and empowerment. Management of the testing centre at Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung des BIZ Bern Mittelland. Assessments in different fields like personality, interests and cognitive capacity.
since 2013 Consultant and trainer in the fields of management, organisational development (OD), service excellence and empowerment at Ischi-Consulting GmbH.
since 2015 Career counsellor at BIZ Bern Mittelland.